
Assignment 8

So far the movie Shattered Glass has been very interesting. In the beginning of the movie I saw Stephen as an intelligent honest man, but I noticed that my perspective changed later in the movie. He interacts well with his co-workers and treats them with respect, just as they do. I think his story telling of the hacker seemed very real, but later my view changed. Stephen faces several ethical dilemmas. One ethical dilemma is that he is suspected of making a story up and if he is lying then he is out of work, but if he denies it, he is releasing false information. I personally believe that Stephen is lying because all the information he provided did not check out. Although, some of the information appeared to be real, Stephen most likely created the source. Chuck also faces many ethical dilemmas. Earlier in the movie he has to choose between remaining at his position in his workplace, or taking the job of his current editor. Chuck also faces the dilemma of believing Stephen or not. Stephen’s information on the hacker story does not seem to be very real and at the same time Chuck has to trust his fellow writers. Stephen’s rhetoric seems to be pretty obscure. He speaks in a soft voice, wins the authority of people by complimenting them, and asks if people are mad at him when he does something wrong. So it seems that he is making himself look like he is submissive to everyone else, so that his coworkers trust everything he says.

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  • Assignment 8

    Bald hatte der Bahnhof Rolandseck unter Kennern den Ruf eines besonderen Ausstellungsortes. Eine Reihe von Gastspielen ergänzt das Programm, das in den engen Gassen der alten Universitätsstadt konzentriert und in anregenden Diskussionen abläuft, Admini…

  • [...] Bald hatte der Bahnhof Rolandseck unter Kennern den Ruf eines besonderen Ausstellungsortes. Eine Reihe von Gastspielen ergänzt das Programm, das in den engen Gassen der alten Universitätsstadt konzentriert und in anregenden Diskussionen abläuft, Administrator: [...]

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